Before anyone gets too overly excited about me posting this, I want to state something for the record:
In this most recent conflict between Israel and her enemies based in the Gaza Strip, their actions to date are in my opinion fully justified. This doesn't mean I agree with the IDF's methods of warfare and nor I absolve Israel of the growing number of civilian casualties, just that they have the right to take action against those who wish their destruction. If we Americans were put in a similar scenario, I suspect that many of those decrying Israelis actions as wrong would have a change of heart..
A rather disturbing post has appeared on Knesset (Israel's Parliament) Deputy Speaker Moshe Feiglin's Facebook page that, if authentic, would amount to a major figure of Israel's ruling advocating for action in Gaza that would amount to nothing short of ethnic cleansing..
Further, this proposal, if indeed authentic, would certainly fit in line with Mr. Feiglin's positions already well known to the public.
At the bottom of this post is the original post, including a Bing Translation (taken directly from the Facebook page in question), and as one might expect, the translation does leave something to be desired, but I believe the translation is good enough to understand what Mr. Feiglin is calling for, summarized by myself:
1.) Make clear who the enemy of Israel is: Hamas and their backers (including Iran) and they are looking for nothing less than wiping Israel out of existence.
2.) IDF's mission in Gaza should be conquer the entire territory and elimination of Hamas and her allies and their supporters.
3.) Turn Gaza into Tel Aviv- This is likely in reference to the fact that modern-day Tel Aviv sits where the Arab city of Jaffa once stood before the conclusion of Israel's War of Independence in 1948. Do to various reasons, the Arab population fled the city and it was re-populated by the Israelis, becoming Tel Aviv.
4.) "Tent Cities" locations should be created by the IDF by clearing areas near the Egyptian border and the Mediterranean coastline of Gaza. Water and electricity to current populated areas will be cut off.
5.) Gaza should be divided up by the IDF into smaller, more controllable sectors, so they can better control the population and hunt down pockets of resistance.
6.) Israel will then look to find countries who would be willing to accept a large number of Gaza "migrants", possibly offering financial incentives to the countries that agree to take them.
7.) Those Palestinians currently residing in Gaza who insist on staying and have no ties to Hamas at all, will be forced to sign a statement to become Israeli citizens and given similar identification papers as Arabs who live in the East Jerusalem area.
8.) Those Israeli settlers who were removed as part of former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's "Disengagement Plan" years ago will be invited to return to their former settlement sites.
Again, I have to emphasize that this "proposal" shouldn't be taken as being representative of the current Israeli government and thus any characterization to the contrary is likely going to be done for political reasons.
Personally, what really disturbs me is that this individual is not just a "wing-nut" of the Likud Party. He was on two separate occasions received a large share of votes from within the party to be its leader (ultimately unsuccessful of course), which signals that at the very least, a large minority within the Likud Party sympathizes with these kind of ideas.
In the end however, this kind of thinking should be not surprise anyone who has studied and watched this conflict unfold over the years. Any conflict this long and bloody is bound to push at some of the participants to the extremes in an effort to achieve a lasting conclusion to the conflict and the hatred and mistrust being Israelis and Palestinians is arguably some of the worst in the world today.
This does not mean such radical and blatantly hateful proposals should be ignored, in fact during such times such ideas should be challenged loudly in the public as what they are: Disgusting, Disgraceful, and Inhuman.
The final insult comes as Mr. Feiglin concludes his post with this: "With dignity and esteem Moshe Feiglin"
All comments and/or opinions expressed in the above work are purely those of the author unless otherwise noted and do not represent that opinions/positions of any political or non-political organization or the Department of the Defense. Any/all distribution of this work MUST contain this disclaimer.
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו
ראש הממשלה בנימין נתניהו
אדוני ראש הממשלה
זה עתה נודע כי החמאס ניצל את הפסקת האש בכדי לחטוף קצין. מסתבר שהמבצע הזה לא עומד להיגמר כל כך מהר.
הכשלים במבצע היו טמונים בו מתחילתו כי:
זה עתה נודע כי החמאס ניצל את הפסקת האש בכדי לחטוף קצין. מסתבר שהמבצע הזה לא עומד להיגמר כל כך מהר.
הכשלים במבצע היו טמונים בו מתחילתו כי:
א – אין לו מטרה נכונה וברורה.
ב – אין מעטפת מוסרית ראויה התומכת בחיילינו.
ב – אין מעטפת מוסרית ראויה התומכת בחיילינו.
מה שנדרש כעת הוא להפנים שאוסלו נגמר, שזו ארצנו – רק ארצנו, כולל עזה!
אין שתי מדינות ואין שני עמים - יש רק מדינה אחת לעם אחד.
אין שתי מדינות ואין שני עמים - יש רק מדינה אחת לעם אחד.
בעקבות ההפנמה הזו נדרש שינוי אסטרטגי עמוק ויסודי – הן בהגדרת האויב, הן בהגדרת המשימה, הן בהגדרת היעד האסטרטגי וכמובן - בהגדרת מוסר הלחימה הנכון והנדרש.
1 – הגדרת האוייב
האויב האסטרטגי הוא האסלאם הערבי הקיצוני על כל גרורותיו מאיראן ועד עזה המבקש לחסל את ישראל כולה.
האויב בעין הוא החמאס.
(לא המנהרות, לא הרקטות – החמאס)
האויב האסטרטגי הוא האסלאם הערבי הקיצוני על כל גרורותיו מאיראן ועד עזה המבקש לחסל את ישראל כולה.
האויב בעין הוא החמאס.
(לא המנהרות, לא הרקטות – החמאס)
2 – הגדרת המשימה:
כיבוש הרצועה כולה וחיסול כל הכוחות הלוחמים ותומכיהם.
כיבוש הרצועה כולה וחיסול כל הכוחות הלוחמים ותומכיהם.
3 – הגדרת היעד האסטרטגי:
להפוך את עזה ליפו. עיר ישראלית פורחת עם מינימום אזרחים עוינים.
להפוך את עזה ליפו. עיר ישראלית פורחת עם מינימום אזרחים עוינים.
4 – הגדרת מוסר הלחימה:
"אוי לרשע ואוי לשכנו"
"אוי לרשע ואוי לשכנו"
לאור ארבעת הנקודות הללו על ישראל לבצע מיד את הפעולות הבאות:
א - צה"ל יגדיר שטחים פתוחים על גבול סיני ובסמיכות לים בהם תתרכז האוכלוסייה האזרחית- הרחק מהשטח הבנוי ואזורי השיגור והמנהור. באזורים אלו יוקמו מחנות אוהלים עד לאיתור יעדי הגירה רלוונטיים.
אספקת החשמל והמים לאזורים שהיו מאוכלסים – תנותק.
אספקת החשמל והמים לאזורים שהיו מאוכלסים – תנותק.
ב – האזורים שהיו מאוכלסים יופגזו בכוח אש מקסימלי. כל מתקני החמאס האזרחיים והצבאיים, אמצעי הקשר והלוגיסטיקה – יחוסלו עד היסוד.
ג – צה"ל יבתר את הרצועה לאורכה ולרחבה, ירחיב מאוד את הצירים, ישתלט על אזורים שולטים וישמיד קיני ההתנגדות במידה וייוותרו כאלה.
ד – ישראל תחל באיתור מדינות ומכסות הגירה לפליטי עזה. המעוניינים להגר יזכו בחבילת סיוע כלכלית נדיבה ויגיעו לארצות הקולטות עם יכולת כלכלית משמעותית.
ה – מי שיתעקש להישאר ויוכח כי אין לו כל קשר לחמאס, יידרש לחתום באופן פומבי על הצהרת נאמנות לישראל ויקבל תעודת זהות כחולה בדומה לזו של ערביי מזרח ירושלים.
ו - עם שוך הקרבות יוחל החוק הישראלי בכל הרצועה, מגורשי גוש קטיף יוזמנו לשוב ליישוביהם והעיר עזה ובנותיה ייבנו כערי תיירות ומסחר ישראליות לכל דבר.
אדוני ראש הממשלה!
זוהי שעת הכרעה גורלית בימיה של מדינת ישראל.
כל גרורות האויב, מאיראן והחיזבאללה ועד דע"ש והאחים המוסלמים – חוככות כעת את ידיהן בהנאה ומכינות עצמן לסבב הבא.
זוהי שעת הכרעה גורלית בימיה של מדינת ישראל.
כל גרורות האויב, מאיראן והחיזבאללה ועד דע"ש והאחים המוסלמים – חוככות כעת את ידיהן בהנאה ומכינות עצמן לסבב הבא.
אני מתריע שכל תוצאה שהיא פחות ממה שהוגדר כאן, משמעותה עידוד המשך האופנסיבה נגד ישראל. רק אם יבין החיזבאללא כיצד טופל החמס בדרום, ימנע מלשגר את 100,000 הטילים שלו - מצפון.
אני קורא לך לאמץ את האסטרטגיה המוצעת כאן.
אין לי כל ספק שכמוני, עם ישראל כולו יעמוד ברוב מוחץ לימינך – אם רק תאמצנה.
אין לי כל ספק שכמוני, עם ישראל כולו יעמוד ברוב מוחץ לימינך – אם רק תאמצנה.
בכבוד ובהערכה רבה
משה פייגלין
BH for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister just learned that Hamas took advantage of the Truce to kidnap an officer. It turns out that this operation is not going to end so quickly.
The failures in the operation were interred from the beginning because: 1 it has no proper purpose and clear.
2. There is no proper moral shell that supports our troops.
What is needed now is to internalize the principles that our country is over – only our country including Gaza!
No two States and two peoples – there is only one country, one people.
This internalization of strategic change required is deep and thorough, both in defining the enemy, both in defining the mission, both in defining the strategic and target-setting gives the right and necessary.
1 – setting the strategic enemy enemy is radical Islam, Western grorotav of Iran and of Gaza seeking to wipe out Israel as a whole.
The enemy in the eye is Hamas.
(Not the tunnels, Hamas's rocket-) 2 – setting mission: conquest of the Gaza Strip and eliminating all the warriors and their supporters.
3 – strategic target setting: turn Gaza to Tel Aviv. Israeli city blooms with hostile civilians minimum.
4 – the definition says: "Oh, fighting evil and woe to the home" in light of these four points for Israel to immediately do the following: 1. the IDF will open spaces on the Sinai border and near the sea that concentrate on the civilian population – far from the built-up areas and launch and tunneling. These areas will be set up tents to camps to locate relevant immigration targets.
Electricity and water for populated areas – will be disconnected.
In the areas that were populated with iopgazo maximum firepower. The Hamas civil and military means and logistics – will be eliminated to the ground.
3. the IDF around dissecting the Gaza Strip to length and wide, extending from the delegates, will take over areas that control and destroy nests of resistance should remain like this.
4. start by locating countries Israel and immigration quotas for refugees of Gaza. Looking to migrate to win economic assistance package and will be open to countries with significant economic potential.
The who insists on staying and proven that has no connection with Hamas will be required to sign a public statement about citizenship to Israel and will receive a blue identity card is similar to that of Arabs in East Jerusalem.
And with the pull is applied Israeli law in the Gaza Strip, expelled from Gush Katif will be invited back to their settlements and Gaza City and her daughters will be built as a commercial Israeli cities and everything.
Mr. Prime Minister!
This is a fateful decision in time of the State of Israel.
Every enemy of Iran, metastasis and Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood and דע"ש – are uncertain whether their hands with pleasure now and are preparing themselves for next round.
I had that each outcome is less than defined here means encouraging continued against Israel, initiating. Only if you understand how the patient's hizballa Hamas in the South, do not shoot the rocket his 100,000 North.
I urge you to adopt the strategy proposed here.
I have no doubt realized, the entire stand with Israel in an overwhelming majority for the right – if you will follow.
With dignity and esteem Moshe feiglin (Translated by Bing)
The failures in the operation were interred from the beginning because: 1 it has no proper purpose and clear.
2. There is no proper moral shell that supports our troops.
What is needed now is to internalize the principles that our country is over – only our country including Gaza!
No two States and two peoples – there is only one country, one people.
This internalization of strategic change required is deep and thorough, both in defining the enemy, both in defining the mission, both in defining the strategic and target-setting gives the right and necessary.
1 – setting the strategic enemy enemy is radical Islam, Western grorotav of Iran and of Gaza seeking to wipe out Israel as a whole.
The enemy in the eye is Hamas.
(Not the tunnels, Hamas's rocket-) 2 – setting mission: conquest of the Gaza Strip and eliminating all the warriors and their supporters.
3 – strategic target setting: turn Gaza to Tel Aviv. Israeli city blooms with hostile civilians minimum.
4 – the definition says: "Oh, fighting evil and woe to the home" in light of these four points for Israel to immediately do the following: 1. the IDF will open spaces on the Sinai border and near the sea that concentrate on the civilian population – far from the built-up areas and launch and tunneling. These areas will be set up tents to camps to locate relevant immigration targets.
Electricity and water for populated areas – will be disconnected.
In the areas that were populated with iopgazo maximum firepower. The Hamas civil and military means and logistics – will be eliminated to the ground.
3. the IDF around dissecting the Gaza Strip to length and wide, extending from the delegates, will take over areas that control and destroy nests of resistance should remain like this.
4. start by locating countries Israel and immigration quotas for refugees of Gaza. Looking to migrate to win economic assistance package and will be open to countries with significant economic potential.
The who insists on staying and proven that has no connection with Hamas will be required to sign a public statement about citizenship to Israel and will receive a blue identity card is similar to that of Arabs in East Jerusalem.
And with the pull is applied Israeli law in the Gaza Strip, expelled from Gush Katif will be invited back to their settlements and Gaza City and her daughters will be built as a commercial Israeli cities and everything.
Mr. Prime Minister!
This is a fateful decision in time of the State of Israel.
Every enemy of Iran, metastasis and Hezbollah and the Muslim Brotherhood and דע"ש – are uncertain whether their hands with pleasure now and are preparing themselves for next round.
I had that each outcome is less than defined here means encouraging continued against Israel, initiating. Only if you understand how the patient's hizballa Hamas in the South, do not shoot the rocket his 100,000 North.
I urge you to adopt the strategy proposed here.
I have no doubt realized, the entire stand with Israel in an overwhelming majority for the right – if you will follow.
With dignity and esteem Moshe feiglin (Translated by Bing)
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